Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Sherlockian (book review)

Finished The Sherlockian last week. It is written by Graham Moore, and I enjoyed it a lot. I have read a lot of the Sherlock Holmes books which as you know, were written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sherlockian is about solving the mystery of Doyle's missing diary from October through December 1893. The Baker Street Irregulars were expecting one of their own to reveal the missing diary at their meeting in January 2010. He, of course, turns up dead instead of turning up at the meeting where he was to reveal all. Newest member, Harold White, sets out to solve the murder and to find the missing diary.
Author Moore uses the device of alternating between Harold White in 2010 and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1893 and gives us the explanation of the missing diary. If you are a Sherlock Holmes fan, you may recall that this is the time period when Doyle "killed" Holmes because he was sick to death of writing about him, and sick of the attention Holmes was receiving from his adoring fans. (He later resurrected Holmes.)
Graham explains all in this very readable book.

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